Do you get a lot of things done each day? Is it still possible for you to clear all the things on your to-do list or do you still make time to goggle on social media and only saying ‘oh dear’ after all the time you wasted? If you always find yourself in this situation, there is one effective method that will help make changes to the way you work and improve the amount of work you can finish in a day. What’s great about this technique is that there are no fancy machines involved but only you and your discipline. Now, if you struggle with accomplishing a lot of things each working day, increase your productivity using one or more power hours.
A power hour is spending 60 minutes of your time focusing on one thing. A lot of people at work who use power hours benefit a lot from this strategy. During your power hour, you need to decide what you want to accomplish. For all the things that make your mind wander like music, social media, phones, and other distractions, make sure to turn them off. Make sure to set a kitchen or computer timer for the entire hour. Now, you can sit down, turn on your timer, and focus on the task you have decided to do for your power hour.
What if you are unable to complete your chosen task the entire hour? The answer’s simple, just set another hour. Be sure to take a 15 minute break at least. This break will help your brain recover from the intensity of your working session after you go back at it again. What it you completed your task before your one-hour timer sets off? That’s great news, tap yourself good work because you went above and beyond you expectations. You can proceed to take a break and give yourself a treat. This part is where you can peek at social media. You will be amazed at how much you can do in a matter of 60 minutes. And mind you, this is relatively short. You can see more here on increasing your productivity or for a great guide on this, read now!
For those who have seen how effective power hours are, you can incorporate them into your regular working hours, scheduling particular tasks every day. Block the time in your calendar and do power hours if you need to focus on a certain task for the entire 60 minutes. As a company owner or leader, you can use power hours to work on your business by thinking of new products or services that you can make. You can do admin work for your power hour. You can spend a power hour to prepare for a networking event, improve your business knowledge and skills by training, and even invoicing clients. You can also spend your power hours completing tasks that go below your to-do list. You can read more on this here: